Friday, 23 May 2014

Valley Press Friday Digest, #4

So it's Friday again, and this time I have a new problem - nothing of note happened or was achieved this week. I've been keeping my head down, catching up with emails, doing some freelance work, and working on the remaining 2014 books so they can appear in the next Inpress catalogue. What can I say, the publishing life isn't all glamour!

For some literary excitement, you should check out Emma's post which went up yesterday, offering a first look at the Emma Press Fatherhood Anthology, which will be epic. Also, it seems Kelley Swain can be relied on to have an interesting week, as she was asked (on the back of Opera di Cera) for advice repairing one of Susini's original waxworks, and she was also interviewed on Cambridge 105 radio.

I guess I should take this opportunity to thank everyone who has sent in a submission this month - I plan to work through the pile in the middle of June, maybe around the 13th, so bear with me until then. See you next week!

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